master lectures 2024
We are looking forward to three promising lectures at the master lectures 2024. Welcome!
We are looking forward to three promising lectures at the master lectures 2024. Welcome!
Scenario’s, Patterns and Prototypes – Space as an Incubator for Knowledge The lecture about visions of the future campus was given at the 6th Consultative Meeting of the University of Nepal (UoN) on 04 November 2023 in Kathmandu.
The Master Lectures take place in winter and are targeted at students in the master’s programme. All invited guests are here in the archive:
The 9th student Schlaun Competition Münster Train City was launched in August 2019. The jury did not meet until October 2021 due to multiple postponements caused by the lockdown. Out of a total of 87 entries in the urban design category from Hanover, Dortmund, Cologne, Wismar, Oldenburg, Darmstadt and Munich, three prizes and special mentions went to our students of the MSA in Münster. Congratulations to all the prize winners!
The lecture series of the Münster School of Architecture continues in 2019. Renowned thinkers, architects and planners will talk about their positions on the city and architecture
Dark metal: When the lights go down in Kiruna – survey article in Topos no. 102 (International Review of Landscape Architecture)
The MSA lecture series entitled “Urban Perspectives” will resume in spring 2018. Guest speakers are major players on the international stage with ground-breaking ideas. From a variety of different standpoints, the focus is on the urban effects of architecture beyond the plot boundary.
Think Tank Kinderhaus Urban design studio for the regeneration and further development of the large settlement of Kinderhaus-Brüningheide in Münster.
DAM Architectural Book Award 2017 for our book “Bezahlbar. Gut. Wohnen.” [Affordable. Desirable. Livable.], ready for the second edition at Jovis Publishers. The award honours the ten best architectural publications in German 2017. With gratitude to Hans Sauer Stiftung, Jovis, Bucharchitektur and all involved people.
October 2017 +++ Alternative Housing Concepts Interview at the 2nd channel of German Television Broadcasting (ZDF 05.10.2017)
15-09-2017 The Department of Urban Planning visits the Department Urban Design at the MSA
100 Hours of Brutalism
27th – 30th July 2017 Marl / Münster / Wulfen. Nowhere else in Germany you can find such a density of grand and also irritating post-war buildings as in the northern Ruhr area:
30-06-2017 Affordable Housing is possible! Interview with the German Radio “Deutschlandfunk Kultur”. More informationen about the research focus: Bezahlbar. Gut. Wohnen.
Ruhrmoderne Summer Academy (RMSA) Opening of the exhibition Marschall 66 on Friday 19 May 2017 at 7:00 p.m. in a former school on Kampstraße in the city of Marl.
May 2017 +++ Femke Leeflang receives the “University Award”. +++ With the title Johannesburg – Reactivating the City of Extremes
Lecture Series 2017: Processes, Agents & Constellations
25. 04. 2017 Bezahlbar. Gut. Wohnen. Vernissage of our extended exhibition about affordable housing at the AIT Architektursalon @ Centre for Building Culture Rheinland-Pfalz in Mainz at 7:30 p.m.
04-04-2017 Kick-Off! Brainstorm about growing city limits, workshop about a 50 ha future city extension: 125 motivated students x 8 hours = six and a half month for one person. concentrated workforce!
23-01-2017 Water Sensitive Urban Design: Conclusion of the WSUD research project for the development of an integrated teaching resource.
Affordable. Desirable. Livable. – Strategies for Affordable Living: the extended new German edition of our book Affordable Living – Housing for Everyone (2014) was published by Jovis (Berlin, 2016).
May 2016 +++ Sebastian Neimeier receives the University Award 2016. +++ Marktlücke is an
12-04-2016 Joachim Schultz-Granberg: Ankunftsstädte und organisatorische Modelle +++ Vortrag an der TU Wien im Rahmen des Projektes Home not Shelter 2
06. 04. 2016 Price Giving Ceremony – Hans Sauer Award 2016: The Hans Sauer Foundation invites together with the Architekturmuseum of the University of Technology Munich to the award ceremony of the Hans Sauer Award 2016: „SOCIAL DESIGN. Affordable. Good. Living.” The competition brief was made on base of the book “Affordable Living” in cooperation with the editors
02-03-2016 Joachim Schultz-Granberg: The City as Incubator +++ 1,1 million refugees arrived in Germany in 2016. Lecture and Workshop for the Arrival City of Hamburg
17-10-2015 Joachim Schultz-Granberg: Wind Regimes, Architecture and Urban Design +++ Lecture at the Austrian Pavillion at Expo Milano 2015 at the Symposium Climatecture
13-08-2015 Vernissage “Affordable Living” at 7:30 p.m. at the AIT Architektur Salon Cologne
23-06-2015 Final Review North-South-Axis Hamburg-Wilhelmsburg © David Andrés Peralta Cerros
12-06-2015 Designing for Urban Change. Barkenberg: potential futures for a town in decline +++ Three scenarios that respond to demographic change in Berkenberg, Dorsten, a shrinking town in Germany: The Super Mayor, Lateral Thinkers and Collective Enterpreneurs. +++ The workshop series HausAufgaben [home work] runs from 10 – 20 June 2015 +++ Exhibition at the Weissenhof Gallery from 28 April – 01 July 2018 “Small houses – big topic” +++
11-06-2015 Vernissage “Affordable Living” with AIT Architektursalon @ Make City Berlin at 7 p.m. at the HO Berlin Gallery
May 2015 +++ Stefani Treus and Lisa Emmler win the Schlaun-Competition 2015 – Congratulations! +++ Supervision: Stephanie Stratmann, Joachim Schultz-Granberg +++ Schlaun-Competition
01-03-2015 Ideas competition for Urban Intensification
Münster is a popular city; by the year 2030 estimates put the number of new residents at 30,000. However, housing options are becoming more and more limited.
13-01-2015 SANDA LENZHOLZER: Designing with Urban Climate +++ Wageningen Universitiy +++ master lectures 14/15
The World as a Catalogue – Comparative model studies on urban morphology and a structural understanding of the city
November 2014 +++ Klaus Dömer, Hans Drexler, Joachim Schultz-Granberg: AFFORDABLE LIVING – Housing for Everyone +++ Publication about affordable Housing published at Jovis, Berlin 2014 +++
22-09-2014 Joachim Schultz-Granberg: kiosk-O – a report about an guidance system for visitors in the city of Münster +++ Lecture at the German Federation for City Marketing 2014 +++
14-06-2011 Symposium on Climate and Planning Urban planning strategies play an important role in adapting new and existing cities to climate change. How does city planning and building affect local climate conditions and what are the interdependencies between climatologic and functional needs? Experts from climatology and urban planning will discuss urban planning issues
29-05-2014 Symposium on Climate and Design How can we develop innovative design methods that integrate climate as a substantial parameter into the architectural and urban design process? Invited experts will investigate overlaps between technical, phenomenological and design-based issues between architecture, urban design and climate.
21.01.2014 at 7 p.m. at the main lecture hall Leo 1 +++ Bruno Flierl: SKYSCRAPER CITY NEW YORK MANHATTAN +++ a film documentary from Bruno Flierl and Jürgen Prange with an introduction by Bruno Flierl +++ master lectures 13/14
13-11-2013 Stiftung Freizeit: TAKE TIME FOR YOUR CITY +++ master lectures 13/14
The Westfalian city of Münster is a popular place of residence. However: 30.000 migrants are expected by 2030 according to demographic census. Apartments become scarce, rents and prices rise.
21-09-2012 Eau de Aa – fresh Water from Münster +++ a product of the Stiftung Freizeit for the exhibition CITY and RIVER +++
14-09-2012 “Opening CITY and RIVER – Münster on the River Aa”: exhibits connecting city and river
23. 05. 2012 BRUNO FLIERL: Berliner Schloss – Humboldt Forum +++ Stadtansichten +++
02-02-2012 Faces of Places The student ideas competition Studio Heiden, a joint venture with the Saxion Hogeschool Deventer, explores the future of the Westphalian town of Heiden as part of the funding initiative Regionale 2016. In tandem, a photographic project about places and protagonists came into being.
13-10-2011 Münster Manipulations Workshop at the Annual 2011: Students mark places (Ort) and non-places (Unort) in the city of Münster and show a sense for the quality of urban space. Future commissions for our coming architects?