master lectures 2024
We are looking forward to three promising lectures at the master lectures 2024. Welcome!
We are looking forward to three promising lectures at the master lectures 2024. Welcome!
Scenario’s, Patterns and Prototypes – Space as an Incubator for Knowledge The lecture about visions of the future campus was given at the 6th Consultative Meeting of the University of Nepal (UoN) on 04 November 2023 in Kathmandu.
The Master Lectures take place in winter and are targeted at students in the master’s programme. All invited guests are here in the archive:
The 9th student Schlaun Competition Münster Train City was launched in August 2019. The jury did not meet until October 2021 due to multiple postponements caused by the lockdown. Out of a total of 87 entries in the urban design category from Hanover, Dortmund, Cologne, Wismar, Oldenburg, Darmstadt and Munich, three prizes and special mentions went to our students of the MSA in Münster. Congratulations to all the prize winners!
The lecture series of the Münster School of Architecture continues in 2019. Renowned thinkers, architects and planners will talk about their positions on the city and architecture
Dark metal: When the lights go down in Kiruna – survey article in Topos no. 102 (International Review of Landscape Architecture)
The MSA lecture series entitled “Urban Perspectives” will resume in spring 2018. Guest speakers are major players on the international stage with ground-breaking ideas. From a variety of different standpoints, the focus is on the urban effects of architecture beyond the plot boundary.
Think Tank Kinderhaus Urban design studio for the regeneration and further development of the large settlement of Kinderhaus-Brüningheide in Münster.
DAM Architectural Book Award 2017 for our book “Bezahlbar. Gut. Wohnen.” [Affordable. Desirable. Livable.], ready for the second edition at Jovis Publishers. The award honours the ten best architectural publications in German 2017. With gratitude to Hans Sauer Stiftung, Jovis, Bucharchitektur and all involved people.
October 2017 +++ Alternative Housing Concepts Interview at the 2nd channel of German Television Broadcasting (ZDF 05.10.2017)