14-06-2011 Symposium on Climate and Planning Urban planning strategies play an important role in adapting new and existing cities to climate change. How does city planning and building affect local climate conditions and what are the interdependencies between climatologic and functional needs? Experts from climatology and urban planning will discuss urban planning issueswith the city of Münster as a specific case study. The symposium is part of the lecture series Stadtansichten 2014.
Ruurd Gietema (KCAP, Rotterdam), Klaus Daniels (HL-Technik, München / ETHZ), Eric Frijters (FABRIC, Amsterdam), Hans-Arno Jantzen (Labor für Strömungstechnik, FH Münster), Otto Klemm (Klimatologie, WWU Münster), Chris van Langen (Dean Rotterdam Academy of Architecture and Urban Design), Stadtdirektor Hartwig Schultheiss (Münster), Guests: Martin Rein-Cano (Topotek 1, Berlin), Mareike Krautheim (Architect, Berlin/Rotterdam), Ralf Pasel (TU Berlin/pasel.künzel architects, Rotterdam), Sven Pfeiffer (MSA), Joachim Schultz-Granberg (MSA) +++
The series is a joint enterprise between the Technical University Berlin – Department of Design and Building Construction CODE, the msa | münster school of architecture – Department for Digital Design and Construction, Department D6 for Urban Design and the Rotterdam Academy of Architecture and Urban Design. The organisers would like to express their thanks for the support of the Embassy of the Netherlands Berlin, Aedes Network Campus Berlin and the International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam IABR.