01-07-2014 Symposium on Climate and Adaptation
Climate change affects regions and cities worldwide, if at differing scales and with differing impacts. What are the consequences for architecture and urban development of climate change? How can architectural design processes be adapted to climate change? What are the potential strategies for such adaptation and what are their benefits?
How can climate-oriented design strategies be integrated into the legal and political framework and who is responsible for advancing such strategies? Which adaptation measures are effective and which tools should be developed? Does climate change have the potential to create opportunity? The symposium will focus on the interdependence of design strategies, adaptation methods and policy-making.
Date: Tue, 01-07-2014 – 17:00 hrs
Location: ANCB – Aedes Network Campus Berlin
Invited Speakers:
Prof. Kees Christiaanse (ETH Zürich/KCAP Rotterdam), Sanda Lenzholzer (TU Wageningen), Michael Müller (Senator for Urban Development and the Environment, Berlin – tbc), Dr. Fritz Reusswig (Sociologist, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research), Prof. Jacob van Rijs (TU München/TU Delft/MVRDV Rotterdam), N.N. (Stiftung Politik und Wissenschaft), Mareike Krautheim (Architect, Berlin/Rotterdam), Prof. Ralf Pasel (TU Berlin/pasel.künzel architects, Rotterdam), Prof. Sven Pfeiffer (Hochschule Münster), Prof. Joachim Schultz-Granberg (Hochschule)
for more information: Aedes Gallery (free admission)
The series is a joint enterprise between the Technical University Berlin – Department of Design and Building Construction CODE, the MSA | Münster School of Architecture – Department for Digital Design and Construction, Department D6 for Urban Design and the Rotterdam Academy of Architecture and Urban Design. The participants would like to express their gratitude for the support given by the Embassy of the Netherlands Berlin, Aedes Network Campus Berlin and the International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam IABR.