The MSA lecture series entitled “Urban Perspectives” will resume in spring 2018. Guest speakers are major players on the international stage with ground-breaking ideas. From a variety of different standpoints, the focus is on the urban effects of architecture beyond the plot boundary.
As an urban phenomenon, architecture is part both of the immediate surroundings and of the larger urban context. Colin Rowe and Fred Koetter coined the term ‘Space Definer’ to describe the morphological ability of architecture to form urban spaces while Herman Hertzberger described architecture’s accumulating assets as the ability of spaces to attract activities and people. Beyond constructing mass and façade, buildings have a sensual presence and a significant effect on people’s minds. Architecture is more than the conception of an abstract container for changing functions (Rossi 1966).
All those interested to learn more are cordially invited to a talk followed by discussion in the large lecture hall LEO 1 at the Leonardo Campus from 7 p.m. onwards.
- 04. 04. 2018 ANNA POPELKA, PPAG, Wien
- 11. 04. 2018 LOUISA HUTTON, sauerbruch hutton, Berlin
- 25. 04. 2018 TONY FRETTON, Tony Fretton Architects, London
Stadtansichten 2018, lecture series at the MSA | Münster School of Architecture
concept & moderation: Prof. Joachim Schultz-Granberg