Think Tank Kinderhaus

Think Tank Kinderhaus   Urban design studio for the regeneration and further development of the large settlement of Kinderhaus-Brüningheide in Münster. The public exhibition with invited guests will take place on Wednesday, 14 February 2018 at 7 pm.

Kinderhaus-Brüningheide is both an urban district and the largest modern housing estate in the city of Münster. About 3,000 people live in 6 to 12-storey residential complexes situated in an area of more than 15 hectares. The building fabric is partly run down and refurbishment has been carried out on a step-by-step basis. Nevertheless, the quality of public space sometimes remains poor despite various initiatives. Unused parking bays, half buried underground, are left empty and prevent any public use of the open space and immediate construction. The district suffers from an image problem and was named Münster’s biggest social blackspot (source: Münster Barometer 2008).

With the support of local housing construction companies and the city of Münster, our students are working on ideas, strategies and designs as part of Think Tank Kinderhaus.

work: Jochen Buß, Ina Djuren, Sebastian Euting, Katharina Hollberg, Nina Kemper, Miriam, Annika Kersting, Katharina Krix, Anton Leibham, Maria Meinert, Natalie Reufer-Wülfing, Benedict Schäfer, Caroline Scherff, Lisa Schirk, Luka Sibbing, Laura Steininger, Stephanie Welp, Lukas Wessling

concept: Prof. Joachim Schultz-Granberg, Dominik Harijanto with support of Prof. Martin Korda and local actors.

initiator: Prof. Klaus Niederdrenk

funding: City of Münster, Regional Representation Münster-North, Mühlig Foundation, Sahle Wohnen, Wohn+Stadtbau, WohnSieGer and BGP.

We thank all sponsors and participants.



Have a look at our magazine:

Dpt6 Kinderhaus 001

Dpt6 Kinderhaus 002

Dpt6 Kinderhaus 003

Dpt6 Kinderhaus 004

Dpt6 Kinderhaus 005

Dpt6 Kinderhaus 006

Dpt6 Kinderhaus 007

Dpt6 Kinderhaus 008

Dpt6 Kinderhaus 009